Compare TicketSpice

From scanning issues, to clunky ticketing pages, to trouble editing existing orders... don't get gouged by SimpleTix. Event pros make more money and delight their attendees with TicketSpice.

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Feature Comparison List

TicketSpice Pricing

99¢ per ticket + 2.9% + 30¢

Simple Tix Pricing

79¢ per ticket + 2%

Control all branding at top of page

Set, markup, and keep the ticketing fees

Yes, but your attendees will complain.

Time slot ticketing

Time slot ticketing

Text for Tickets

Weekly payouts

Pods and seating layouts

Yes, although it’s not easily updatable.

Email, Zoom, chat, and phone support

Technically, yes. But their support is notoriously difficult to come by.

Data sovereignty and data privacy

Re-entry scanning with photo verification

Add / remove ticket to existing order

Reliable ticket scanning

Discounts for social shares

Google Tag Manager support

Feature Comparison List




99 ¢ per ticket+ credit card fees
79¢ + 2% per ticket

Reliable ticket scanning

It takes a few seconds.
 You can expect frequent delays.

Editing options

Allows you to edit the time slot and continue.
You have to cancel the entire order and restart.

Intuitive interface

Beautiful ticketing pages on mobile or desktop
Reviews report clunky ticketing pages

Timed entry

Branding customization options

Robust functionality

The most powerful backend tools on the market
Reviewers report limitations

Reserved seating

Technically, yes. But their support is notoriously difficult to come by.

Text for tickets

Mobile ticketing options

Consider These Important Differences Between TicketSpice and SimpleTix

The event ticketing experiences between TicketSpice and SimpleTix are vastly different. Here’s what you need to know.

Ticket Scanning Issues

SimpleTix is known to have scanning issues. It can take too long to validate the tickets, causing delays and bottlenecks.

The TicketSpice scanning app is quick and reliable, checking in your attendees seamlessly.

Editing is a pain

If you want to edit a time slot or make significant back end changes, SimpleTix forces you to cancel the entire order and start again.  

With TicketSpice, you can easily edit your order and charge an existing card on file.

Clunky Ticketing Interface

With SimpleTix, users report a buggy and slow ticketing process. Furthermore, the time and date selection process requires you to jump through obstacles just to make a change to your preferred time.

Contrast this to TicketSpice, where the time and date selection is clearly laid out in a calendar view, all on one page.

Frequently Asked Questions About SimpleTix & TicketSpice

1. How much does SimpleTix cost?

SimpleTix costs $0.79 +2% per ticket

1. What is TicketSpice's pricing?

TicketSpice is a flat 99¢ fee per ticket plus basic credit card processing of 2.99% + 30¢ . While slightly more expensive than SimpleTix, you won’t have to deal with scanning issues, limited customization options, and glitches.

2. What’s the editing process like with SimpleTix?

If you want to edit a timeslot, SimpleTix forces you to cancel the entire order and start again.

2. What’s the editing process like with TicketSpice?

The details of your order are easy to edit. It will only take a minute.

3. Does SimpleTix have scanning available?

Yes, but their scanning is notorious for issues and delays.

3. Does TicketSpice have scanning available?

The TicketSpice scanning app is quick and reliable, checking your attendees in minutes.

4. Does SimpleTix have an intuitive interface?

The reviews say no. For example, the time and date selection process requires you to jump through multiple obstacles just to make a change to your preferred time

4. Does TicketSpice have an intuitive interface?

Yes. With TicketSpice, the time and date selection is clearly laid out in a calendar view, all on one page and easy to edit.

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